Sundial School Design

A three-part video series focused on enriching the classroom with Special Education-informed practices

Video 1 - “A Targeted Education” – a brief history of special education in America to explain how we came to adopt the current practices that are used in most schools today

Video 2 - “The Secret Sauce of Special Ed” – shows why some special education practices are just surface-level Band Aids covering up deeper faults in the system and how a better design leads to lasting change.

Video 3 - “Sundial’s Classroom Design” – presents the structure that I used to design my school, Sundial Classical, and explains how a simple shift in how we group students can improve learning without the need to hire additional staff.

  • Part 1 of 3 - A Targeted Education

    9m 31s

    This video provides a brief history of special education in America to explain how we came to adopt the current practices that are used in most schools today.

  • Part 2 of 3 - The Secret Sauce of Special Ed


    This video shows why some special education practices are just surface-level Band Aids covering up deeper faults in the system and how a better design leads to lasting change.

  • Part 3 of 3 - Sundial's Classroom Design


    This video presents the structure that I used to design my school, Sundial Classical, and explains how a simple shift in how we group students can improve learning without the need to hire additional staff.